Also, perhaps there is a later version of Bluestacks since you installed yours.Maybe you’re working on an app for Android and want to test it on a computer instead of a mobile device. I noticed it did ask about a couple of permissions during the installation but not sure how relevant those might be. I’m not sure how much more I can do - apart from suggest a completely clean re-install of Bluestacks on your Mac. You’re trying to get yours working… and I’m trying to break mine! Like all these kinds of troubleshooting scenarios it helps to have something that doesn’t work to look at. I even went as far as to install Bluestacks on a Mac laptop and it worked just fine - so I’m as frustrated as you no doubt are. You won’t be able to PING the addresses because ICMP is blocked but it still works on my setup. You need to drop to a terminal within Bluestacks and use NSLOOKUP to check that it returns IP addresses for those domains. It can’t be the incoming network comms to the Robovac or else none of the apps would work on iPhone etc… I did Wireshark the app connectivity and the app connects to the following domains:Į.com Could be a DNS issue or some obscure network stack problem. I’ve now had a chance to look at this and I’m pretty sure this is a Bluestacks issue and possibly how it works on the Mac OS. Sadly, I can’t do this at the moment as it needs a bit of work setting up. I need to run the trace simultaneously twice over - once on Bluestacks and once on my phone, while capturing the phone, internet and Robovac communications - so I can compare the two.

The question is… why does your phone app work and the Bluestacks app not work… I’m assuming you don’t have any firewall rules, or blocker software, or over-enthusiastic anti-virus software - but even if you did… what’s the difference between the two. The only way I could get my Robovac to go offline was to block internet connectivity to the Robovac itself - again, that makes sense. you do not use VLAN’s to segment the traffic for smart devices etc. I’m assuming your Robovac is on the same network as everything else - i.e. OK, so the Eufy app on Bluestacks does not communicate with the Robovac directly over the local network - which makes sense, because you can initiate cleaning via your phone outside of your home - therefore this seems to be a network problem.